Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's then, that i realize september is here.

When the sun comes to the end of its journey for the day,
and when the sun paints the sky in the west.
When the sky is cover with the dark clouds,
and when the clouds cry.
It's then, that i feel my sorrow.
When the trees get nacked and flowers dry away,
and when the leaves make a sad music on the ground.
When the birds quit singing,
and when Autumn is here.
It's then, that i feel my grief.
When i feel the wormth of my tears on my cheeks,
and when the rain wash away my tears.
When i listen to the music of cold breeze in my heart,
and when i feel my broken heart.
It's then, that i realize September is here.
It's then, that i realize is the end of journey for my little angel, Kamran.

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